• Adrian Collaert (1560–1618) Theodoor Galle (c. 1571-1633) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 31. Et inuenit Iesus afellum, et sedit super eum, sicut scriptum est; Noli timere filia Syon, Ecce Rex tuus venit, sedens super pullion asine. Iohn. 12. 

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of John, chapter 12 "Finding a young donkey, Jesus sat on it, as it is written: Fear not, daughter of Zion; Behold, your King is coming, Sitting on a donkey’s colt." Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Theodoor Galle (c. 1571-1633) Jacob de Bye (1685-?) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 30. Iesus voce magna clamauit; Lazare, veni foras. Et statim proijt qui fuerat mortuus. Iohn. 11.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of John, chapter 11 "Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out.” Theodoor Galle was the son of Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, from whom he learnt the craft. Theodoor married a daughter of the prominent family of Plantin in Antwerp. His marriage established the productive partnership between the Galle workshop and the Plantin Moretus printing house. A talented workman, Galle quickly became a respected engraver, print publisher and a member of the guild of St Luke, a city guild for artists in 1595. In the years to follow he became the guild's deacon. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Theodoor Galle (c. 1571-1633) Jean Baptiste Barbe (1578-1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 28.  Adducunt Scibe et Pharisaei mulierem in adulterio deprehensam. Iesus autem inclinans se deorsum, digito scribebat in terra. Iohn. 8.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of John, chapter 8 "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery". Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1685-?) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 27.  Assumit Iesus Petrum et Iacobum et Ioannem fratrem eius, et ducit illos in montem excelsum seorsum; et transfiguratus est eos. Matth. 17.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 17 "After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Theodoor Galle (1571–1633) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 26.  Est puer vnus hic qui habet quinq panes ordeaceos, et duos: sed haec quid funt tantos? Iohn. 6.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of John, chapter 6 "There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, one, and two, but what are these for so many?” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581–1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 25. Videns Iesus turbas, ascendit in montem; et cum sedisset, accesserunt ad eum discipuli eius, et aperiens os suum, docebat eos. Matth. 5.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5 "And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581–1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 23. Dicit iesus Surge tolle grabatum tuum, et ambula. Et statim sanus factus est, et sustulit grabatum suum et ambulabat. John. 5.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of John, chapter 5 "He says Rise, take up your bed and walk. He immediately became well, and picked up his bed and walked.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581–1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 22. Ecce mulier quat sanguinis fluxum patiebatur duodecim annis, accessit retro, et tetigit fimbriam vestimenti eius. Matth. 9.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 9 "And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jan Collaert (1545–1628) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 21. Ait Paralytico, Surge, tolle lectum, et vade in domum tuam. Et surrexit, et abijt in doman suam. Matth. 9.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 9 "Get up, pick up your mat, and go home. And the man got up and went home.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) John de Barbe (1578–1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 19. Accesserunt ad eum discipuli eius, et suscitaverunt eum, dicentes, Domine, salua nos, perimus. Matth. 8.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 8 "Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) John de Barbe (1578–1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 18. Socrus simonis tenebatur magnis febribus; et rogauerunt illum pro ea. Et stans super illum imperauit febri; et dimiset illum. Luke. 4.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Luke, chapter 4 "Simon’s mother-in-law was very sick. She had a high fever. They asked Jesus to do something to help her. He stood very close to her and ordered the sickness to go away". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) John de Barbe (1578–1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 14. Cum fecisset quasi flagellum de funiculis, omnes eiecit de templo, oues quoq et boues, et numulariorum effudit aes, et mensas subuertit. John. 2.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of John, chapter 2 "So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables”. Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) John de Barbe (1578–1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 15. Iesus fatigatus ex itinere, sedebat sic supra fontem. Uenit mulier de Samaria haurire aquam. Dicit ei Iesus, Da mihi bibere. John 4. 

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of John, chapter 4 "Jesus, being wearied from his journey, was sitting thus on the well. A Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) John de Barbe (1578–1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 8. Ioseph consurgens accepit puerum et matrem eius nocte; et secessit in Aegyptum. Matth. 2.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2 "Joseph arose, he took the young child and his mother by night; and left for Egypt". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Cornelius Galle (1576-1650) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 17. Duc in altum, et laxate retia vestra in capturam piscium. Et cum hoc fecissent, concluserunt piscium multitudium copiosum. Luke. 5.   

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Luke, chapter 5 "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. When they had done this, they enclosed a great quantity of fish". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Cornelius Galle (1576-1650) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 2. Ingressus angelus, ad eam dixit, Aue gratia plana, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus. Luke. 1.   

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1 "And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the lord is with thee". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Cornelius Galle (1576-1650) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 24. aria accepit libram unguenti nardi pistici, pretiosti, et vnxit pedes Iefu; et extersit pedes eius capillis suis. John. 12.   

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of John, chapter 12 " Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581-1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 34. Coenantibus eis accepit Iesus panem, et benedixit et fregit; deditq discipulis suis, et ait, accipite et comedite; hoc est corpus muem. Matth 16. 

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 16 "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body". Theodoor Galle was the son of Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, from whom he learnt the craft. Theodoor married a daughter of the prominent family of Plantin in Antwerp. His marriage established the productive partnership between the Galle workshop and the Plantin Moretus printing house. A talented workman, Galle quickly became a respected engraver, print publisher and a member of the guild of St Luke, a city guild for artists in 1595. In the years to follow he became the guild's deacon. Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581-1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 3. Exurgens maria abjit in montana cum festinatione in ciuitatem Iuda et intrauit in domum Zacharie, et salutauit Elisabeth . Luc 1. 

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1 "And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda. And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elizabeth". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581-1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 9. Tunc Herodes videns quonium illusus esset a magis, iratus est valde; et mittens occidit omnes pueros qui erant in Bethleem, et in omnibus finibus eius Matth. 2. 

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 16.5x21.8cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2 "Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the Wise-men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the male children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the borders thereof". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581-1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 20. Daemones rogabant eum dicentes ; si eijcis nos, mitte nos in gregem porcorum. Et ait illis, ite. Matth. 8.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 16.5x21.8cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 8 "The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd. He said to them, “Go!" Adriaen Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Theodoor Galle (1571 – 1633), Iacob de Bye (1581-1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 29. Sinite paruulos, et nolite eos prohibere ad me venire : talium est enim reguum coelorum. 19.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 16.5x21.8cm Hand-finished wooden frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 19 "Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Theodoor Galle was the son of Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, from whom he learnt the craft. Theodoor married a daughter of the prominent family of Plantin in Antwerp. His marriage established the productive partnership between the Galle workshop and the Plantin Moretus printing house. A talented workman, Galle quickly became a respected engraver, print publisher and a member of the guild of St Luke, a city guild for artists in 1595. In the years to follow he became the guild's deacon. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • John Chessell Buckler (1793-1894)

    Horham Hall Essex 1830

    Watercolour 25 x 35.5 cm 44 x 57 cm including frame, UK shipping only J C Buckler was an esteemed architect, coming second to Charles Barry in the competition for the design of the new Houses of Parliament in 1836. However, his greatest passion was recording the details of historical buildings. ⁠ ⁠ 'With such subjects before me as cathedrals, abbeys and ancient parish churches...I never made any effort to increase the number of my employments as an architect.' Buckler 1852⁠ ⁠ Harmoniously working with his father and younger brother, Buckler drew and preserved the designs of ancient structures, many of which no longer survive today. ⁠ ⁠ Horham Hall is stands as a fortunate exception.⁠ If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Robert Tavener (1920-2004) New Court St John's College Cambridge

    Signed and numbered 12/50 Lithograph 40×52 cm c. 1970 For other works by Robert Tavener and biographical details click here. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Claude Muncaster Above Finsthwaite, near Newby Bridge 1968

    Watercolour 21x26.5cm 46x52cm including frame, UK shipping only Signed lower right Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Clifford Ellis (1907-1985) Snow Laden Branch

    44.5x51cm Watercolour and Pen Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Clifford Ellis (1907-1985) Sheep

    18x18cm Charcoal Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail XVIII

    7.5x18cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail XVII

    5x7cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail XVI

    4x7cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail XV

    7.5x5.5cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail XIV

    11x4.5cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail XIII

    8x9.5cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail XII

    6x6.5cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail XI

    5x8cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail X

    5x7cm Pen, ink and watercolour On antique laid paper, watermarked 'T Edmonds 1814' Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent.
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very Good.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail Sitting Up

    23.5x17cm Linocut Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent. Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988)
    Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good, rough edges as done by artist.
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910-1988) Snail on Leaf

    15x24cm Linocut
    Provenance: the family of the artist, by descent. Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. Clifford and Rosemary Ellis were famous as a husband and wife team for their fascination with nature and their vibrant and charming depictions of animals. They were the natural artists to be commissioned by Collins for their ‘New Naturalists’ series of books, which have become famous and highly collectable more for the dust jackets designed by the Ellises than for the – otherwise excellent – content. This painting is from a recently discovered series of paintings and drawings, never before seen by the general public, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good, rough edges as done by artist.
  • Brendon Neiland (b. 1941) Alice's Garden Oxford 50/195

    Screenprint 66.5x57cm Here he surreally captures rippling reflection of Tom Tower in Christchurch. The style is emblematic of his later work that increasingly uses bold and dynamic colour palettes. For biographical details and other works by the artist click here. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Excellent.
  • Brendon Neiland (b. 1941) Gilbert Scott's Rose Window Christ Church Oxford 106/195

    Screenprint 66x58cm Here Neiland captures the colours of the new window installed in the cathedral by George Gilbert Scott (Junior) c. 1870. The style is emblematic of his later work that increasingly uses bold and dynamic colour palettes. For biographical details and other works by the artist click here. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Excellent.
  • Brendon Neiland (b. 1941) Tom Tower Christ Church 38/195 Screenprint 66x58cm Here he surreally captures rippling reflection of Tom Tower in Christchurch. The style is emblematic of his later work that increasingly uses bold and dynamic colour palettes. For biographical details and other works by the artist click here. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Excellent.
  • Brendon Neiland (b. 1941) Peckwater Christ Church 74/195

    Screen print 68.5x56cm Here he surreally captures Peckwater Quad in Christchurch, experimenting with pictorial structure with vivacious dashes of blue, orange and yellow. It is emblematic of his later work that increasingly uses bold and dynamic colour palettes. For biographical details and other works by the artist click here. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Excellent.
  • Richard Beer (1928-2017) Christ Church Newgate (1970)

    Colour etching and aquatint on Velin Arches, published by Editions Alecto 63x48cm Full sheet size 73 x 55cm Signed, titled and numbered 75/150 Click here for biography and other works by this artist. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Print in good condition, margins well outside platemark show some discolouration and handling marks which will be hidden behind mat/mount.
  • Uxbridge Station Poster c.1930 Printed by HMSO

    Lithograph 100x62cm This four coloured lithograph was printed in extremely limited numbers for London Transport by HMSO. These maps detailed station entrances and were placed along the underground network to inform commuters exactly where they were in London. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very good, slight bruising to the very edges in places, and a little touching in of the red border.
  • Richard Beer (1928-2017) St John's College, Oxford (1964-65)

    Colour etching and aquatint on Velin Arches, published by Editions Alecto 58 x 43 cm Full sheet size 73 x 55.5 cm Signed, titled and numbered 19/100 Click here for biography and other works by this artist. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Print in good condition, margins well outside platemark show some discolouration and handling marks which will be hidden behind mat/mount. Mounted to board.
  • Switzerland of Tomorrow Welcomes You Today (1964)

    Lithographic poster 152.4cm x 63.5 cm 1964   Original "Switzerland of Tomorrow" poster from the 1964 Swiss National Exhibition. As well as a brilliantly-designed futuristic poster printed in rich colours, it is a real piece of Swiss (and European) history. The poster is the English-language edition of a tourism-encouraging poster produced in several languages to welcome international visitors to an exhibition of Swiss innovation. Switzerland holds such an event four times per century, and the exhibitions often act as a portrait of contemporary culture, design, and politics. The 1964 National Exhibition in Lausanne offered a rather different representation of Switzerland from previous exhibitions. This was partly the result of its being held during one of the tensest periods of the Cold War; the attitudes of the Swiss were changing as the twentieth century progressed, as was the case for most Europeans, and the shadow of war had encouraged many citizens, businesses, and public bodies to reexamine their values. At "Expo 64", the nickname for that year's exhibition, the 'Gulliver Project' was introduced. The exhibition organisers made use of the character Gulliver (from Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' to assess visitors' attitudes to daily life. A small questionnaire written by "Gulliver" was given to visitors, asking them questions about their societal attitudes, domestic lives, and work ethics, such as "Can you be a good Swiss and get up at 9am?". The theatre director Charles Apothéloz suggested having Gulliver ask these questions so as to make the questionnaire seem less serious, and to encourage people to answer truthfully. The questionnaire answers were compiled and analysed, but never published, as had been Apothéloz's initial intention. Charles Ascher discusses this at length in his 1965 article 'Gulliver in the Land of the Swiss'. If you are interested, please email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good, pinholes to corners with some soft creases along bottom inch (would be hidden by mount).
  • 'Samivel' Paul Gayet-Tancrède (1907-1992) Les Pyrénées, France

    Editions Mythra SA Chamonix Original Vintage Ski Poster 91x62cm With the ever-popular topic of skiing, Samivel here catches a chamois atop a Pyrenean hill, a mountain peak in the background. The chamois, a mountain goat-antelope, has hooked horns when fully grown, this one is likely a kid. Samivel was a writer, an artist, a photographer, an explorer and more. In 1948 he accompanied Paul Émile Victor on the first French Greenland expedition, making three documentary films in the process. His friends included Théodore Monod and Gilbert André - the latter the mayor of Bonneval-sur-Arc and one of the founders of the Vanoise National Park - and with them and others he spent his whole life aiming for the protection of the imperilled countryside. The graphic artist side of him had a life-long fascination with high mountains, and his illustrated books and series of posters of the French Alps have long been popular. Click here to see other posters by Samivel. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very good, faint spotting towards bottom.
  • Mabel Oliver Rae ((1868-1956) Trinity College Cambridge Great Court

    Etching 20x27 cm The rich tones of the etchings make them as popular today as when they were first made. Click here for biographical details and other pictures by the artist. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very good.


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