• Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581–1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 23. Dicit iesus Surge tolle grabatum tuum, et ambula. Et statim sanus factus est, et sustulit grabatum suum et ambulabat. John. 5.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of John, chapter 5 "He says Rise, take up your bed and walk. He immediately became well, and picked up his bed and walked.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581–1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 22. Ecce mulier quat sanguinis fluxum patiebatur duodecim annis, accessit retro, et tetigit fimbriam vestimenti eius. Matth. 9.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 9 "And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) John de Barbe (1578–1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 15. Iesus fatigatus ex itinere, sedebat sic supra fontem. Uenit mulier de Samaria haurire aquam. Dicit ei Iesus, Da mihi bibere. John 4. 

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of John, chapter 4 "Jesus, being wearied from his journey, was sitting thus on the well. A Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Jean Baptist Barbé (1578?-1649) Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 12. Accedens tentator dixit ei fi lius, Dei es, dic vt lapides isti panes fiant. Matt. 4.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 16.5x21.8cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 4 "If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread" Adriaen Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Jean Baptist Barbé (1578?-1649) Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 11. Verit Iesus a Galilaea in Iordanem ad Iohannem, vt baptifartur ab eo. Matthew. 3.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 16.5x21.8cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 3 "Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John." Adriaen Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) John de Barbe (1578–1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 14. Cum fecisset quasi flagellum de funiculis, omnes eiecit de templo, oues quoq et boues, et numulariorum effudit aes, et mensas subuertit. John. 2.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of John, chapter 2 "So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables”. Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Theodoor Galle (1571–1633) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 26.  Est puer vnus hic qui habet quinq panes ordeaceos, et duos: sed haec quid funt tantos? Iohn. 6.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of John, chapter 6 "There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, one, and two, but what are these for so many?” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jan Collaert (1545–1628) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 21. Ait Paralytico, Surge, tolle lectum, et vade in domum tuam. Et surrexit, et abijt in doman suam. Matth. 9.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 9 "Get up, pick up your mat, and go home. And the man got up and went home.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Jean Baptist Barbé (1578?-1649) Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 10. Post triduum invenerunt illum in templo in medio doctorum, audientem illos, et interrogante eos. Luc. 2

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 16.5x21.8cm From the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2 After three days they found him in the temple among the doctors, listening to them and asking them questions. Adriaen Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Theodoor Galle (c. 1571-1633) Jean Baptiste Barbe (1578-1649) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 28.  Adducunt Scibe et Pharisaei mulierem in adulterio deprehensam. Iesus autem inclinans se deorsum, digito scribebat in terra. Iohn. 8.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of John, chapter 8 "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery". Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581-1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 3. Exurgens maria abjit in montana cum festinatione in ciuitatem Iuda et intrauit in domum Zacharie, et salutauit Elisabeth . Luc 1. 

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1 "And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda. And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elizabeth". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Cornelius Galle (1576-1650) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 24. aria accepit libram unguenti nardi pistici, pretiosti, et vnxit pedes Iefu; et extersit pedes eius capillis suis. John. 12.   

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of John, chapter 12 " Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Cornelius Galle (1576-1650) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 17. Duc in altum, et laxate retia vestra in capturam piscium. Et cum hoc fecissent, concluserunt piscium multitudium copiosum. Luke. 5.   

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Luke, chapter 5 "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. When they had done this, they enclosed a great quantity of fish". Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581-1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 20. Daemones rogabant eum dicentes ; si eijcis nos, mitte nos in gregem porcorum. Et ait illis, ite. Matth. 8.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 16.5x21.8cm Hand-finished black frame included (UK shipping only) From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 8 "The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd. He said to them, “Go!" Adriaen Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1581–1640) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 25. Videns Iesus turbas, ascendit in montem; et cum sedisset, accesserunt ad eum discipuli eius, et aperiens os suum, docebat eos. Matth. 5.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5 "And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.
  • Adriaen Collaert (c. 1560-1618) Jacob de Bye (1685-?) after Maerten de Vos (1532 - 1603) 27.  Assumit Iesus Petrum et Iacobum et Ioannem fratrem eius, et ducit illos in montem excelsum seorsum; et transfiguratus est eos. Matth. 17.

    Engraving From Vita, Passio, et Resurrectio Iesu Christi first published 1598, this a later edition published by Joannes Galle (1600-1676) 17.5x22cm From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 17 "After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them.” Adrian Collaert was born in Antwerp between 1555 and 1565, becoming wijnmeester of the Guild of St Luke in 1580 - a title reserved for the sons of guild members. The guild of St Luke was generally the city guild for artists. Working for Philip Galle, a Dutch publisher best known for his old master prints, he married Galle's daughter Justa. After learning the principles of engraving in the Netherlands, he spent some years in Italy improving his skill. Upon returning to Flanders he engraved, in accomplished fashion, a great number of plates. His brother, Jan Collaert II, his son, Jan Baptist Collaert II and a grandson were all printmakers. These particular plates are after paintings by Maerten de Vos, a Flemish painter and draughtsman. His father was Pieter de Vos, from whom he learned. From 1550 - 1558 he travelled in Italy, visiting Rome and Venice and becoming master of the Antwerp Guild of St Luke upon his return in 1558. After 1575 he was mainly engaged in producing print designs. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Trimmed to plate margins, generally good condition commensurate with age, slight age toning and handling marks as evident from image.


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