• James Bolivar Manson (1879 - 1945) St John's College, Cambridge

      Watercolour 29 x 40 cm Signed lower right. A wintry view of St John's College, Cambridge. The chapel tower nestles behind bare trees, set against a white sky. Manson was an artist who worked at the Tate Gallery and was its Director from 1930 to 1938. His time there was clouded by his frustrated ambitions as a painter and his descent into alcoholism. His professional career began as an office boy - leaving Alleyn's School in Dulwich at 16 - with the publisher George Newnes, and then as a bank clerk. He simultaneously studied painting at Heatherley School of Fine Art, commencing in 1890, and then Lambeth School of Art - much encouraged by Lilian Laugher, a violinist who came to stay in the Manson household. He married her in 1903 - the same year he abandoned his bank job. They moved to Paris for a year. Manson shared a studio with Jacob Epstein, who became a lifelong friend. When they returned to London, Manson joined the Camden Town Group, becoming Secretary. Lilian was a close friend of the Director of the Tate and ensured that Manson, aged 33, became Tate Clerk. Manson continued to paint feverishly at the weekend. The Tate website describes Manson as its 'least succesful' director. Kenneth Clark described him with "a flushed face, white hair and a twinkle in his eye; and this twinkling got him out of scrapes that would have sunk a worthier man without trace." His painting continued to show promise, and he joined the London Group in 1914 and showed with the New England Art Club from 1915. His first solo show was at the Leicester Galleries in 1923 and he became a member of the NEAC in 1927. He attended a dinner at the Hotel George V in Paris in 1938 to celebrate the British Exhibition at the Louvre. Clive Bell wrote to his wife, "Manson arrived at the déjeuner given by the minister of Beaux Arts fantastically drunk - punctuated the ceremony with cat-calls and cock-a-doodle-doos, and finally staggered to his feet, hurled obscene insults at the company in general and the minister in particular, and precipitated himself on the ambassadress, Lady Phipps, some say with amorous intent; others with lethal intent." Bell concluded: "The guests fled, ices uneaten, coffee undrunk... I hope an example will be made, and that they will seize the opportunity for turning the sot out of the Tate, not because he is a sot, but because he has done nothing but harm to modern painting." The Director of the Tate was arbiter as to whether imported items amounted to art (which would make them exempt from customs duty). This caused controversy when Peggy Guggenheim imported sculpture by Marcel Duchamp and others. Manson pronounced Constantin Brâncuși's Sculpture for the Blind (a large, smooth, egg-shaped marble) to be "idiotic" and "not art", and therefore subject to duty. Letters were written to the press and the matter reached the House of Commons, where Manson was criticised and eventually had to back down. He retired at the age of 58. By his own account, "my doctor has warned me that my nerves will not stand any further strain... I have begun to have blackouts, in which my actions become automatic. Sometimes these periods last several hours.... I had one of these blackouts at an official luncheon in Paris recently, and startled guests by suddenly crowing like a cock...." His successor was Sir John Rothenstein, who discovered that the staff referred to artwork in the basement as 'Director's Stock'. It transpired that Manson had been selling it to boost his salary. His work now hangs in the Tate, as well as in many other galleries in Britain and abroad. Condition: Good. If you’d like to know more, please email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Click here for more views of St John's College, Cambridge.
  • Claude Muncaster Cambridge

    Watercolour 14x27cm Signed lower right Muncaster’s watercolours capture the English countryside feel with great competence. Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.  
  • Anonymous St. John’s College, Cambridge

    Watercolour 32x24.5cm If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.ukor call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Major F A Molony

    Fellows’ Garden Emmanuel College Cambridge (19th century)

    Watercolour 22x30cm In the Royal Engineers, Major F A Molony was an accomplished watercolourist who published several views of Cambridge. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.ukor call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Marianne James

    Entrance to Third Court St. John’s College Cambridge (c.1810-1860)

    Watercolour & pencil Signed 10×17cm If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Bertie Studley Fiven (Australian, 1889-1958) Trinity College, Cambridge

    14.5 x 9.5 cm Watercolour c. 1917 Born in Carlton, Victoria, Australia, Fiven enlisted in 1915 in C Company of the 31st Australian Infantry Battalion in July 1915. In November 1915 he embarked on either HMAT Wandilla or HMAT Bakara from Melbourne. Whilst on board the '31st Recorder' newspaper was produced (it ran to only one issue, published in the middle of the Indian Ocean on 1st December 1915) and Fiven produced the illustration for the front cover. He then served in Egypt defending the Suez Canal from the Turks. The Battalion then served in France in the Battle of Fromelles in July 1916, suffering 500 casualties and serving no further part in the war until 1917, where it was on the edge of the Battle of Passchendale in September. The Battalion being disbanded in March 1919, Fiven returned to Australia, returning as a Lieutenant on 15 May 1919 to the relief of his mother Mary and his sweetheart May Moore - whom he married on 16 August 1919. There was a policy of rotating troops away from the front line, and Fiven will have spent some rest time in Cambridge when he painted this picture. He died in Heidelberg in Australia in 1958. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.ukor call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • R.H.B Trinity College, Cambridge

    22.5x13cm 1915 If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.ukor call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Robert Dighton A View from Trinity College, Cambridge

    27x20cm Etching A caricature portrait of William Lort Mansel (1753-1820), Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and later the Bishop of Bristol. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.  
  • Anonymous

    St John’s College, Cambridge

    Watercolour and pencil 13x18cm Probably early 19th century. This watercolour depicts St John’s prior to construction of Hutchinson’s 1831 New Court buildings; two figures wearing gowns and square caps are engaged in conversation by the Wren Bridge. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • R Hacking

    St. John’s College, Cambridge (1978)

    Watercolour 17x25cm If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.ukor call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Ludwig Lund (1908-2003)

    St John’s College Wren Bridge

    Watercolour 26 x 21 cm Click here for biographical details and other works by the artist. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Mabel Oliver Rae (1868-1956) Bridge of Sighs St John's College Cambridge

    Etching 30x19 cm Click here for biographical details and other pictures by the artist. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • Mabel Oliver Rae (1868-1956) Christ's College Cambridge Great Gate

    Etching 27x18cm Click here for biographical details and other pictures by the artist. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good.
  • R Warwick (British, fl c. 1900-1930) Trinity College Cambridge, Great Gate

    Etching size: 9x6cm; sheet size 15x12cm On deckle-edged paper If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally good condition, some foxing to sheet, but scarcely within image area.
  • R Warwick (British, fl c. 1900-1930) St John's College Cambridge

    Etching size: 9x6cm; sheet size 15x12cm On deckle-edged paper If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Generally very good condition.
  • Hugh Casson (1910 - 1999) Emmanuel College Cambridge, Front Court

    Signed in pencil, and numbered from the limited edition of 500. 24x27cm From Casson’s ever-popular Oxford and Cambridge series of prints. Sir Hugh Casson was educated at Eastbourne College, St John’s College Cambridge and the Bartlett School of Architecture. Trained in the 1930s in the early modernist style, he taught at the Cambridge School of Architecture. After employment as a camoufleur during World War 2 by the Air Ministry, in 1948 he was appointed as director of architecture for the Festival of Britain. A close friend of the Royal Family, he undertook designs for the 1953 coronation, designed the interior of the Royal Yacht Britannia (“The overall idea was to give the impression of a country house at sea”), and taught the Prince of Wales to paint in watercolours. Amongst his architectural achievements are the Elephant House at London Zoo, the 1978 redevelopment of Bristol Docks, the Raised Faculty Building for The University of Cambridge, and a building for the Royal College of Art. He published a number of illustrated books, of which Casson’s Oxford and Casson’s Cambridge are probably the best known. A limited edition series of prints was produced from the paintings. If you are interested email info@manningfineart.co.uk or call us on 07929 749056. Condition: Good, very slight age toning to visible area.


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